Metaphysical Shaman and Spiritual Teacher
Mount Shasta, CA
480 Bel Air Ave Weed, CA

Featured Class
Connection with the Divine
Divine Allies
Defense Against the Dark Forces Courses
“Clearing Entities & Darkness”
Course Begins Tuesday March 25th, 2025 @ 6pm on Zoom.com
Class 1 Removing Entities & Clearing Darkness
Ambassadors Of Light Presents
10-week Course for $1333 / If you decide to make payments per course it’s $333 down and payments must be met by the end of each course. I am happy to work with you on payments. (There are No Refunds)
To sign up, please send me an email at bearmedicinemassage@gmail.com with your Payment Commitment plan on or before March 22nd 2025, and I will send you the link for the upcoming class for Tuesday March 25, 2025.
Thank you.
This is our time as fellow light workers, star seeds, healers, and sages to come out of the hidden. To gather our wisdom from lifetimes and become present in this moment and to really feel the collective around you. To listen to your heart and become the light your soul was created with and share it with your world.
I am a very Old Soul, I have been Knighted and ordained in many lifetimes to serve creation and to summon the light of God when I’m needed to clear darkness or rescue souls from limbo. I have made self-discoveries about myself over the years of my life and realized that I am not like other people, and I have since then embraced my personal power.
Our Focus For You
As you go through this course you will begin to experience an embrace from the Universe. It usually happens within the first few weeks of this work, there are many waiting for you to make the decision to develop yourself and receive your ancestors’ blessings and are ordained by their love.
Creating your own Energy Container
Summoning the Light
Meeting your Allies
Discovering your Holiness
Assessing the issues
Diffusing Darkness
Assessment and Approach
Removing Dark Energies
Training in real situations
AA Michael
Some Examples of what will be Offered
· ∞ Creating a container is a lesson on protection and intention. Creating a container allows a person to freely work with self or other individuals without concern whether they are protected from breaches, cords, imprints, or attachments, in clearing.
· ∞ Reconnecting to your personal holiness that comes from your ancestors. This is the foundation of your path, to have your ancestors and other beings to be on your side. To know who they are from this life and others, so that you may feel the confidence you need to face the adversaries that may present themselves to you. Not just for this class, but to give you encouragement to whatever you seek in this life.
· ∞ There are many ways to summon the light to use as a rescue or clearing. When you learn to bring the light from heaven to your consciousness you will be accessing the door to God with your ancestors and helpers. This will be taught using a soul journey and meditation, it’s an art form of mediumship enhancement and you will learn to work side-by-Side with AA Michael.
Unlock your true potential with our custom 1:1 class packages designed to help you master the art of energy work and clear blockages to your higher self.
Matthew will work with your higher self and guides to tailor the course to your unique needs and goals.
Choose a single class or a package of 3, 6, or 9 clases to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth
Live Zoom calls
Payment option available
Custom 1:1 Classes

“Matthew is a master at bringing his students into oneness, he has a vast knowledge and understanding of energy, vibration, and healing.”
— Rita White